Boost Your PurvX Listings

Maximize visibility and increase sales with our special add-ons.

Enhance Your Listings on PurvX Marketplace

At PurvX, we’re committed to helping our sellers and rental partners succeed. To give your listings an extra edge, we offer two powerful add-ons designed to boost your visibility and attract more buyers. Choose the option that best suits your needs or combine both for maximum impact!

Selling on PurvX connects you with an audience that has a high intent for South Asian items. Unlike other marketplaces, your listings won't get lost in a sea of unrelated products like electronics or home goods. This targeted approach ensures that your items get the attention they deserve.

Social Media Boost

Get noticed on social media! With our Social Media Boost, your listing will be featured across our active social media channels—Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter). This one-time promotion for only $49 ensures your item reaches a broader audience, increasing the chances of a quick sale or rental.

What You Get:

  • One promotional post across Facebook, Instagram, and X
  • Reach thousands of potential buyers and renters
  • Drive traffic directly to your PurvX listing
Book for $49

Why Choose Our Add-Ons?

  • Boost Visibility: Increase the visibility of your listings and attract more potential buyers and renters.
  • Quick and Easy: Simple, one-time fees with no recurring charges.
  • Targeted Audience: Reach users who are actively looking for ethnic and cultural items

How to Get Started

  • Select Your Listing: Choose the listing you want to boost or feature. Note the LISTING ID from the URL or copy the listing name exactly as it appears.
  • Choose Your Add-On: Select either the Social Media Boost or Featured Listings on Homepage from the above links.
  • Complete the Payment: Follow the payment instructions to activate your chosen add-ons. Enter Listing Details: Provide the Listing ID or name as part of the payment process. Once your payment is completed, the PurvX team will review your listing to ensure it meets the requirements, such as having clear and high-quality images. We will schedule your promotion within the next 7 days.

Take advantage of these powerful tools to enhance your listings and achieve your selling or rental goals on PurvX. Whether you’re looking for a quick boost on social media or prime visibility on our homepage, we have the right solution for you.

Ready to elevate your PurvX experience? Get started today and watch your listings shine!

Add-On Terms & Conditions

These Terms & Conditions are specific to the add-ons available through PurvX Marketplace. They are in addition to the full Terms & Conditions of PurvX, which can be found here: PurvX Terms of Service.

  1. Listing Suitability: PurvX reserves the right to refuse to promote any listing that does not meet our suitability standards. If your listing is deemed unsuitable, you will receive a full refund.

  2. Scheduling and Duration: We aim to schedule your promotion within 7 days of payment. However, delays may occur due to various factors. Featured Listings on the Homepage will be displayed for 30 days, based on US Eastern Time (ET). The Social Media Boost is a one-time promotion and will be executed once.

  3. Content Requirements: To maximize the effectiveness of your add-ons, ensure your listing includes clear, high-quality images and accurate descriptions.

  4. Refund Policy: Once payment is made, there will be no refunds or cancellations. If PurvX is unable to fulfill the promotion due to issues with the listing or if all 8 slots for Featured Listings on the Homepage are occupied, you will be offered a later start date or the option to cancel for a refund.

By purchasing these add-ons, you agree to these Terms & Conditions as well as the full Terms & Conditions of PurvX.